
Daily-Life English Speaking Words (X Letter Words)

Hello everyone, Welcome to J K Online Classes.

Here you will get to read 24 such words of English starting with "X". 

Here are 24 words starting with "X" along with their meanings in Hindi and English:

Words starting with Letter "X"-J K Online Classes-English Learning Tutorial-Online Tuition Classes
Words starting with Letter "X"

1. X-ray - एक्स-रे - A type of electromagnetic radiation used for medical imaging and diagnostic purposes.

2. Xebecs - ज़ेबेक - A type of sailing ship with three masts, used in the Mediterranean Sea chiefly for trading.

3. Xylans - जाइलान्स - A yellow, gummy pentosan that is found in woody tissues and yields xylose upon hydrolysis.

4. Xanthin - पीला रंगद्रव्य - yellow pigment

5. Xanthate - ज़ानथेट - A salt or ester of xanthic acid, used in the extraction of certain metals from their ores and as a flotation agent in ore processing.

6. Xanthine - क्षान्थीन - A crystalline compound that is a precursor in the formation of uric acid in the body and is found in certain plants, used in medicine as a bronchodilator and diuretic.

7. Xanthates - ज़ैंथेट्स - Salts or esters of xanthic acid, often used in the chemical industry as reagents or flotation agents.

8. Xenobiotics - जीवित जीवों के लिए विदेशी या प्राकृतिक परिस्थितियों में अस्तित्व नहीं रखने वाले किसी भी विदेशी या पराकृतिक यौगिक - Chemical substances that are foreign to living organisms or present in nature in conditions where they do not normally occur.

9. Xenocurrency - विदेशी मुद्रा - A currency that is issued by a foreign country and circulated outside its borders.

10. Xerarch - शुष्कतारम्भी अनुक्रम - Dryness-initiating succession

11. Xenoblasts - जैनोब्लास्ट्स - Large or conspicuous mineral grains formed during metamorphism, typically surrounded by a fine-grained matrix.

12. Xennial - जेनरेशन एक्स और मिलेनियल के बीच का पीढ़ी - A person who belongs to a micro-generation born between Generation X and the Millennials, characterized by having traits of both generations.

13. Xenon - क्षेणोन - A colorless, dense, odorless noble gas found in the Earth's atmosphere in trace amounts. It is used in various applications including lighting, medical imaging, and anesthesia.

14. Xerophthalmia - रतौंधी - A medical condition characterized by dryness of the conjunctiva and cornea, typically resulting from a vitamin A deficiency.

15. Xenops - जेनोप्स - A small bird found in Central and South America, belonging to the family Furnariidae.

16. Xenogeny - जीवन उत्पन्न होना - The process of generating life in an environment foreign to its natural habitat.

17. Xylophone - काष्ठ तार वाद्य - wooden string instrument.

18. Xiphias - सोंगटी मछली - Swordfish (a large predatory fish with a long, pointed bill resembling a sword)

19. Xocolati - शकोलाती - Xocolati is an ancient Aztec drink made from cacao beans, often flavored with spices like chili peppers and vanilla.

20. Xenograft - विषमजातीय प्रत्यारोपण - A surgical transplantation of tissue from one species to another.

21. Xanthosiderite - ज़ैंथोसिडेराइट - A mineral consisting of hydrated iron hydroxyphosphate, typically found in yellow or brownish-yellow coloration, used in pigments and as a source of iron.

22. Xylographical - लकड़ी की छाप बनाने संबंधी - Relating to the art or process of making woodcuts or engravings on wood.

23. Xerothermic - शुष्क और गर्म - Relating to or characterized by a dry and hot climate.

24. Xenomorphically - पराए जीव की तरह - In a foreign or alien manner; pertains to the characteristics or behavior of an extraterrestrial being or species.

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