
Daily-Life English Speaking Words (U Letter Words)

  Hello everyone, Welcome to J K Online Classes.

Here you will get to read 25 such words of English starting with "U". 

Here are 25 words starting with "U" along with their meanings in Hindi and English:

Words starting with Letter "U"-J K Online Classes-English Learning Tutorial-Online Tuition Classes
Words starting with Letter "U"

1. Umbrella (छाता) - A portable canopy used for protection against rain or sun.

2. Uniform (वर्दी) - A particular set of clothes worn by members of the same organization or group.

3. Utensil (बर्तन) - A tool or container used for practical purposes, especially in a kitchen.

4. Update (अपडेट) - To bring something up to date with the latest information or improvements.

5. Usage (उपयोग) - The way in which something is used or the amount of something that is used.

6. Unique (अद्वितीय) - Being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else.

7. Universe (ब्रह्मांड) - All of space, including all the stars and planets, and everything that exists in it.

8. Understand (समझना) - To perceive the meaning of something; to grasp the idea or concept.

9. Upset (उदास) - To make someone unhappy, disappointed, or worried.

10. Urgent (तत्काल) - Requiring immediate action or attention.

11. Useless (बेकार) - Not fulfilling or not expected to achieve the intended purpose or desired outcome.

12. Urban (शहरी) - Relating to or characteristic of a city or town.

13. Urge (आग्रह) - To strongly encourage or persuade someone to do something.

14. Upwards (ऊपर की ओर) - In a direction towards a higher place or position.

15. Uncover (खोलना) - To remove a cover or lid from something.

16. Utter (पूर्ण) - Complete; absolute.

17. Uplift (उठाना) - To lift something or someone to a higher position.

18. Union (संघ) - The action or fact of joining or being joined, especially in a political context.

19. Unite (एकत्र करना) - To come or bring together for a common purpose or action.

20. Uncle (चाचा/मामा) - The brother of one's parent or the husband of one's aunt.

21. Underline (नीला करना) - To draw a line under a word or phrase to give emphasis or indicate special type.

22. Unload (अनलोड) - To remove a load or cargo from a vehicle or ship.

23. Usual (सामान्य) - Something that is done, found, or used most often; ordinary or typical.

24. Utterance (उक्ति) - Something that is said; a spoken word, statement, or vocal sound.

25. Upcoming (आगामी) - Happening in the near future; forthcoming.

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