
QAQ #4: Principal Azimuthal Number-Brief

  QAQ is abbreviated for Question Asked-on Quora. Hello everyone welcome to J K Online Classes and this is the series of Question Asked-on Quora.


What is the principal azimuthal number?


The principal azimuthal quantum number, denoted by \(l\), represents the shape of the orbital in an atom. It determines the subshell in which an electron is located and can have values from 0 to \(n-1\), where \(n\) is the principal quantum number.

Here are the values of \(l\) and their corresponding subshells:

- \(l = 0\) corresponds to an s orbital (sharp).

- \(l = 1\) corresponds to a p orbital (principal).

- \(l = 2\) corresponds to a d orbital (diffuse).

- \(l = 3\) corresponds to an f orbital (fundamental).

For example, in the electron configuration of oxygen (\(O\)), the electron configuration is \(1s^22s^22p^4\). In this configuration, the principal quantum number is \(n = 2\), and the azimuthal quantum number for the p orbital is \(l = 1\), indicating that the electrons in oxygen are in the 2p subshell.

QAQ #4: J K Online Classes

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