
The Sri Krishna Eating House - 7

 Welcome to J K Online Classes. Here is the brief introduction about the story of boy named Hari. This story is written by Anita Desai a renowned author. Here is the Hindi translation of the brief about the Sri Krishna Eating House. In this post two paragraphs of the story has been discussed with their Hindi meaning. Enjoy reading. The whole story will be divided into paragraphs. In this post three paragraphs [13], [14] & [15] are discussed along with their Hindi meaning. This is the Final and Last part of the Sri Krishna Eating House.

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The Sri Krishna Eating House

This excerpt is taken from a book called The Village by the sea, which is a delightful story about a poor Indian family. The four children - Hari, Lila, Bela and Kamal - have to look after themselves because their mother is very ill and their father is drunk most of the time. hari and Lila are two older children and thee main characters in the book. Hari, feeling it is his duty to care for his family, leaves his sisters and his house and goes to Bombay (now Mumbai) hoping to work and earn some money. He knows no one in the big city, but a kind watchman takes him to a small and dirty restaurant. (Click this link to read it's Hindi Translation)

The story starts from here:

[13] Hari was shocked by the story but he did not like to be thought of as another orphan in Jagu's care. he did have parents after all - even if one was a drunkard and the other an invalid - and a home, a proper home, not just a place on a railway platform. Thinking of them, he suddenly said, 'Sir, can you tell where the post office is? I wish to buy a postcard.'

'Ah-ha,' laughed the old watchmaker, winking at him from behind the eye-piece.

'Suddenly remembered you had someone to write to, did you? Yes, you must write. Of course you must write. Go straight up the road; next to the electric substation, there is a post office. Have you money for a postcard or can I lend you some?'

[13] कहानी सुनकर हरि चौंक गया था लेकिन वह नहीं चाहता था कि उसे जागु की देखभाल में एक और अनाथ के रूप में माना जाए। उसके पास माता-पिता तो थे ही - भले ही एक शराबी हो और दूसरा अपाहिज - और एक घर, एक उचित घर, न कि केवल एक रेलवे प्लेटफॉर्म पर जगह। उन्हें सोचते हुए, उसने अचानक कहा, 'सर, क्या आप बता सकते हैं कि डाकघर कहाँ है? मैं एक पोस्टकार्ड खरीदना चाहता हूँ।'

'आहा,' बूढ़े घड़ीसाज़ ने हंसते हुए, ऐपिस के पीछे से उस पर आँख मारी।

'अचानक याद आया कि आपको किसी को लिखना है, है ना? हाँ, आपको लिखना चाहिए। बिल्कुल लिखना चाहिए। सीधे रास्ते पर जाओ; बिजली सबस्टेशन के बगल में, एक डाकघर है। क्या आपके पास पोस्टकार्ड के लिए पैसे हैं या मैं आपको कुछ उधार दे सकता हूँ?'

[14] Hari gratefully took the coin from him, promising to return it as soon as Jagu paid him his salary, and then hurried off to the post office. Having bought the card, he had to have a pen to write with and for this he returned to the watchmaker who seemed more likely to have one than the owner of the eating house. This was in the middle of the sweltering afternoon when there was no one in the shop, and even the two orphans had fallen asleep under the table, from heat and exhaustion.

[14] हरि ने कृतज्ञतापूर्वक उससे सिक्का लिया, यह वादा करते हुए कि जैसे ही जागु उसे वेतन देगा, वह उसे वापस कर देगा, और फिर जल्दी से डाकघर चला गया। कार्ड खरीदने के बाद, उसे लिखने के लिए एक कलम की जरूरत थी और इसके लिए वह घड़ीसाज़ के पास लौटा, जो ईटिंग हाउस के मालिक से ज्यादा एक कलम रखने की संभावना रखता था। यह भीषण गर्मी के दोपहर के मध्य में था जब दुकान में कोई नहीं था, और यहां तक ​​​​कि दो अनाथ भी गर्मी और थकावट से टेबल के नीचे सो गए थे।

[15] Hari sat on the steps of the Ding Dong Watchworks and carefully wrote with a ballpoint pen that the old watchmaker lent him:

Then he wrote his name in large letters to fill up the space, but not his address, and went off to post it, feeling both happy to have done what he knew he should do and frightened because this meant he would be staying on in Bombay, not going home.

[15] हरि दिंग डोंग वॉचवर्क्स की सीढ़ियों पर बैठ गया और ध्यान से एक बॉलपॉइंट पेन से लिखा जो बूढ़े घड़ीसाज़ ने उसे उधार दिया था:

'प्रिय माता-पिता,

मैं मुंबई में हूँ और खुश हूँ। एक आदमी ने मुझे खाना और काम दिया है।'

फिर उसने जगह भरने के लिए अपने नाम को बड़े अक्षरों में लिखा, लेकिन अपना पता नहीं दिया, और उसे पोस्ट करने के लिए चला गया, यह सोचकर खुश हुआ कि उसने वही किया जो उसे पता था कि उसे करना चाहिए था और डरा हुआ था क्योंकि इसका मतलब था कि वह बंबई में रहेगा, घर नहीं जाएगा।

Questions and Answers (The Sri Krishna Eating House)

Short Answer Type Questions:

1. Q: Why was Hari shocked by the story told by the old watchmaker?
A: Hari was shocked because he did not like to be thought of as another orphan in Jagu's care.

2. Q: What did Hari ask the old watchmaker after hearing the story?
A: Hari asked the old watchmaker where the post office was because he wanted to buy a postcard.

3. Q: Where did the old watchmaker tell Hari to go to buy a postcard?
A: The old watchmaker directed Hari to go straight up the road, next to the electric substation, where there was a post office.

4. Q: Why did Hari return to the watchmaker after buying the postcard?
A: Hari returned to the watchmaker to borrow a pen to write on the postcard.

5. Q: What did Hari do after borrowing the pen from the watchmaker?
A: Hari sat on the steps of the Ding Dong Watchworks and wrote a message on the postcard.

6. Q: How did Hari feel after writing the postcard?
A: Hari felt both happy for having done what he knew he should do and frightened because it meant he would be staying on in Bombay, not going home.

7. Q: What was Hari's plan after writing the postcard?
A: Hari planned to post the card, expressing both happiness for doing what he felt was right and fear because it meant he would be staying in Bombay, not going home.

Long Answer Type Questions:

1. Q: How did Hari react to the story told by the old watchmaker about Jagu and the orphans?
A: Hari was shocked by the story, as he did not like to be thought of as another orphan in Jagu's care. Despite his difficult family situation, he considered himself different from the orphans mentioned in the story.

2. Q: Why did Hari ask the old watchmaker for directions to the post office?
A: After hearing the story, Hari suddenly asked for directions to the post office because he wanted to buy a postcard, possibly to write to someone about his current situation.

3. Q: Describe Hari's interaction with the old watchmaker when he borrowed the pen to write on the postcard.
A: Hari borrowed a pen from the old watchmaker and wrote a message on the postcard. This interaction showed Hari's resourcefulness and his willingness to seek help when needed.

4. Q: What do Hari's actions, like borrowing the pen and writing the postcard, reveal about his character and his emotional state?
A: Hari's actions, such as borrowing the pen and writing the postcard, demonstrate his resourcefulness and determination to communicate despite his emotional turmoil. He feels a mix of emotions, including happiness for taking action and fear about his future in Bombay.

5. Q: How does the postcard-writing scene contribute to Hari's character development and the overall narrative?
A: The postcard-writing scene shows Hari's willingness to take control of his situation by reaching out for help or making important decisions. It adds depth to his character by revealing his inner thoughts and emotions.

6. Q: What does Hari's decision to write the postcard reveal about his conflicting feelings regarding his current situation?
A: Hari's decision to write the postcard reflects his conflicting emotions. He feels a sense of duty or responsibility, as indicated by his willingness to write, but he also feels fear and uncertainty about his future, as indicated by his reluctance to provide his address.

7. Q: How does the postcard symbolize Hari's internal struggle and his eventual acceptance of his circumstances?
A: The postcard symbolizes Hari's attempt to reach out for help or communicate his feelings, indicating his desire for change or resolution. It also represents his acceptance of his circumstances, as he acknowledges that he will be staying in Bombay, not going home.

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Credit:- The part has been taken from ICSE book and has been used for the educational purpose of the students of Class 7 to make their study easy. Sharing knowledge is no harm.

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