
The Sri Krishna Eating House - 6

   Welcome to J K Online Classes. Here is the brief introduction about the story of boy named Hari. This story is written by Anita Desai a renowned author. Here is the Hindi translation of the brief about the Sri Krishna Eating House. In this post two paragraphs of the story has been discussed with their Hindi meaning. Enjoy reading. The whole story will be divided into paragraphs. In this post three paragraphs [10], [11] & [12] are discussed along with their Hindi meaning.

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The Sri Krishna Eating House Image-6

The Sri Krishna Eating House

This excerpt is taken from a book called The Village by the sea, which is a delightful story about a poor Indian family. The four children - Hari, Lila, Bela and Kamal - have to look after themselves because their mother is very ill and their father is drunk most of the time. hari and Lila are two older children and thee main characters in the book. Hari, feeling it is his duty to care for his family, leaves his sisters and his house and goes to Bombay (now Mumbai) hoping to work and earn some money. He knows no one in the big city, but a kind watchman takes him to a small and dirty restaurant. (Click this link to read it's Hindi Translation)

The story starts from here:

[10] The old man looked so much like Sayyid Ali, the man who had spoken so well at the meeting by the Black Horse, that Hari instantly felt here was another fine and impressive man whom he could trust and who would understand him and try to help him.

[10] बूढ़ा आदमी सैय्यद अली जैसा लग रहा था, जिसने ब्लैक हॉर्स के पास बैठक में इतनी अच्छी तरह से बात की थी, कि हरि को तुरंत लगा कि यहां एक और अच्छा और प्रभावशाली आदमी है जिस पर वह भरोसा कर सकता है और जो उसे समझ जाएगा और उसकी मदद करने की कोशिश करेगा।

[11] 'So, a new boy at the Sri Krishna Eating House,' called the old gentleman, then went back to his examination of the tiny watch, but continued to talk to Hari who stood on the pavement, staring open-mouthed at all the clocks that hung tick-tocking on the walls and the watches that glittered in the showcases.

'New to the city?' he asked in high-pitched, rather cracked and needy voice.

Hari nodded yes.

'Where do yiou come from? Jagu's village?'

'Oh no, I don't know Jagu at all. I come from Thul,' Hari said eagerly, finding the words rushing out like the small waves of the sea, brightly and happily. He felt proud of that address. Sayyid Ali of the Black Horse would have understood why but it was obvious this gentleman knew nothing of Thul; he looked puzzled and curious.

[11] 'तो, श्रीकृष्ण ईटिंग हाउस में एक नया लड़का,' बूढ़े सज्जन ने कहा, फिर छोटी घड़ी की अपनी परीक्षा में वापस चला गया, लेकिन हरि से बात करना जारी रखा जो फुटपाथ पर खड़ा था, दीवारों पर टिक-टिक कर रही सभी घड़ियों और शोकेस में चमकने वाली घड़ियों को खुले मुंह से घूर रहा था।

'शहर के लिए नया?' उसने ऊंची आवाज में पूछा, बल्कि टूटी और जरूरतमंद आवाज में।

हरि ने हाँ में सिर हिलाया।

'आप कहाँ से आते हैं? जागु का गांव?'

'नहीं, मैं जागु को बिल्कुल नहीं जानता। मैं थुल से आता हूं,' हरि ने उत्सुकता से कहा, उसने महसूस किया कि शब्द समुद्र की छोटी लहरों की तरह निकल रहे हैं, चमकते और खुशी से। उसे उस पते पर गर्व था। ब्लैक हॉर्स के सैय्यद अली समझ गए होंगे कि क्यों, लेकिन यह स्पष्ट था कि यह सज्जन थुल के बारे में कुछ नहीं जानता था; वह हैरान और उत्सुक दिख रहा था।

[12] 'It was the watchman of a big building on a hill who brought me here to eat - and I have stayed, to work.'

'Other people have come to Jagu for help.'

The old man nodded, poking about the watch's mechanism withh a long, fine needle.

'He is a silent man, never speaks to anyone - but he has been good to many. Like those two boys who work for him: their parents were killed in a railway accident; they were all living on a railway platform, as many do who come to the city to find work, and one day a train ran over the parents as they were crossing the line to fetch water from a pump. There's the station where it happened,' he waved his fine, yellow hand with long needle in it down the street and then continued: 'That's when Jagu found the boys as he was coming to work in the morning, and he brought them here straightway and gave them food and shelter ans work, too.'

[12] 'यह एक पहाड़ी पर एक बड़ी इमारत का चौकीदार था जो मुझे यहां खाने के लिए लाया था - और मैं काम करने के लिए रुका हूं।'

'अन्य लोग जागु से मदद के लिए आए हैं।'

बूढ़े आदमी ने सिर हिलाया, एक लंबी, महीन सुई से घड़ी की कलबलगाहट के बारे में बताया।

'वह एक शांत आदमी है, कभी किसी से बात नहीं करता - लेकिन वह कई लोगों के लिए अच्छा रहा है। उन दो लड़कों की तरह जो उसके लिए काम करते हैं: उनके माता-पिता एक रेल दुर्घटना में मारे गए थे; वे सभी एक रेलवे प्लेटफॉर्म पर रह रहे थे, जैसा कि बहुत से लोग करते हैं जो काम खोजने के लिए शहर आते हैं, और एक दिन एक ट्रेन माता-पिता को कुचलकर निकल गई, जब वे पानी पंप से पानी लाने के लिए लाइन पार कर रहे थे। वहाँ स्टेशन है जहाँ यह हुआ,' उसने अपने महीन, पीले हाथ को लहराया जिसमें लंबी सुई थी और फिर जारी रखा: 'तभी जागु ने लड़कों को पाया जब वह सुबह काम पर आ रहा था, और उसने उन्हें सीधे यहां लाया और उन्हें भोजन और आश्रय दिया और काम भी दिया।'

Questions and Answers (The Sri Krishna Eating House)

Short Answer Type Questions:

1. Q: Whom did Hari think the old man resembled?
A: Hari thought the old man resembled Sayyid Ali, the man who had spoken well at a meeting by the Black Horse.

2. Q: Where did Hari find another fine and impressive man whom he could trust?
A: Hari found another fine and impressive man at the Sri Krishna Eating House.

3. Q: What was Hari doing when the old gentleman called him a new boy at the Sri Krishna Eating House?
A: Hari was standing on the pavement, staring at the clocks on the walls and the watches in the showcases.

4. Q: What did the old gentleman ask Hari about being new to the city?
A: The old gentleman asked Hari if he was new to the city.

5. Q: Where did the old man think Hari came from?
A: The old man thought Hari came from Jagu's village.

6. Q: Who brought Hari to eat at the Sri Krishna Eating House?
A: The watchman of a big building on a hill brought Hari to eat at the Sri Krishna Eating House.

7. Q: Whom did Jagu help, according to the old man?
A: Jagu helped two boys whose parents were killed in a railway accident.

Long Answer Type Questions:

1. Q: Describe Hari's encounter with the old gentleman at the Sri Krishna Eating House.
A: The old gentleman, who resembled Sayyid Ali, engaged in a conversation with Hari while examining a tiny watch. Hari stood on the pavement, impressed by the clocks and watches around him.

2. Q: How did Hari respond when the old gentleman asked if he was new to the city?
A: Hari nodded in agreement, indicating that he was indeed new to the city.

3. Q: What was Hari's reaction when the old gentleman asked about his origins?
A: Hari eagerly responded that he came from Thul, feeling proud to share his address. However, he realized that the old man was puzzled and curious, indicating that he was unfamiliar with Thul.

4. Q: How did Hari end up at the Sri Krishna Eating House, according to his conversation with the old gentleman?
A: Hari explained that the watchman of a big building on a hill brought him to eat at the Sri Krishna Eating House, and he decided to stay and work there.

5. Q: What did the old gentleman reveal about Jagu's character and his acts of kindness?
A: The old gentleman mentioned that Jagu was a silent man who had helped many people. He particularly highlighted Jagu's assistance to two boys who had lost their parents in a railway accident.

6. Q: What does the interaction between Hari and the old gentleman reveal about Hari's character and his aspirations?
A: The interaction suggests that Hari is eager to connect with people who resemble those he admires, like Sayyid Ali. He is proud of his origins and seeks understanding and recognition from others.

7. Q: How does the old gentleman's story about Jagu and the two boys reflect the theme of compassion and kindness in the narrative?
A: The old gentleman's story about Jagu and the two boys highlights the theme of compassion and kindness, showing how Jagu helped those in need by providing them with food, shelter, and work. It illustrates how acts of kindness can make a significant impact on the lives of others.

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Credit:- The part has been taken from ICSE book and has been used for the educational purpose of the students of Class 7 to make their study easy. Sharing knowledge is no harm.

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