
The Sri Krishna Eating House - 5

  Welcome to J K Online Classes. Here is the brief introduction about the story of boy named Hari. This story is written by Anita Desai a renowned author. Here is the Hindi translation of the brief about the Sri Krishna Eating House. In this post two paragraphs of the story has been discussed with their Hindi meaning. Enjoy reading. The whole story will be divided into paragraphs. In this post three paragraphs [8], & [9] are discussed along with their Hindi meaning.

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The Sri Krishna Eating House

This excerpt is taken from a book called The Village by the sea, which is a delightful story about a poor Indian family. The four children - Hari, Lila, Bela and Kamal - have to look after themselves because their mother is very ill and their father is drunk most of the time. hari and Lila are two older children and thee main characters in the book. Hari, feeling it is his duty to care for his family, leaves his sisters and his house and goes to Bombay (now Mumbai) hoping to work and earn some money. He knows no one in the big city, but a kind watchman takes him to a small and dirty restaurant. (Click this link to read it's Hindi Translation)

The story starts from here:

[8] Later he helped the two boys knead great hills of dough in their pans and this was hard work and made them grunt and sweat. They did not speak to each other as they worked. When the boys finally did say something to each other, Hari realized it was in Tamil, a language he did not know. Nor did they seem to know any Hindi or Marathi, the two languages he knew, so there was silence between them. They were in any case neither friendly nor inquisitive about him, or else they were simply too tired and too sad to speak. They built up the fires, and then while one rolled out the chapaties the other baked them over the fire with a pair of long tongs, and Hari was given the task of carrying them out to the customers eating at the long tables in the front room. There was so much work and such heat in that small place that no one ever seemed to have the strength or the time to talk. Hari, too, felt silent.

[8] बाद में उसने दो लड़कों को बड़े-बड़े आटे के लोहों को गूंथने में मदद की और यह कठिन काम था जिससे उन्हें धीमे से आवाज निकलती थी और पसीना आता था। वे काम करते समय आपस में बात नहीं करते थे। जब लड़कों ने आखिरकार एक-दूसरे से कुछ कहा, तो हरि को एहसास हुआ कि यह तमिल में था, एक ऐसी भाषा जिसे वह नहीं जानता था। न ही उन्हें कोई हिंदी या मराठी आती थी, जो दो भाषाएँ वह जानता था, इसलिए उनके बीच खामोशी थी। वे वैसे भी न तो उसके बारे में मिलनसार थे और न ही जिज्ञासु थे, या शायद वे बात करने के लिए बहुत थक गए थे और बहुत दुखी थे। उन्होंने आग जलाई, और फिर जबकि एक ने चपातियां बेलीं, दूसरे ने उन्हें लंबे चिमटे से आग पर बेक किया, और हरि को उन्हें सामने के कमरे में लंबी मेजों पर खा रहे ग्राहकों के पास ले जाने का काम दिया गया। उस छोटी सी जगह में इतना काम और इतनी गर्मी थी कि किसी में बात करने की ताकत या समय नहीं लगता था। हरि भी चुप महसूस कर रहा था।

[9] He would have had to remain silent if the man in the shop next door had not proved friendlier. It was a watch repair shop with its name painted on a signboard over the door: Ding Dong Watchworks. And when Hari came out to empty a pail of garbage into one on the the big concrete diposal units built on the roadside, the man who stood at the counter, wearing a small black cap and with an eye-piece fixed to his eye, working at a minute watch that he held in the cup of his hand, looked at him and smiled. Hari smiled back.

[9] उसे चुप रहना ही पड़ता अगर बगल की दुकान का आदमी मित्रवत साबित न होता। यह एक घड़ी की मरम्मत की दुकान थी जिसका नाम दरवाजे के ऊपर एक साइनबोर्ड पर लिखा था: डिंग डोंग वॉचवर्क्स। और जब हरि सड़क के किनारे बने बड़े कंक्रीट के डिस्पोजल यूनिटों में से एक में कचरे की एक बाल्टी खाली करने के लिए बाहर आया, तो काउंटर पर खड़ा आदमी, जिसने एक छोटी काली टोपी पहनी थी और उसकी आंख से एक आई-पीस उसकी आंख से जुड़ा हुआ था, अपने हाथ के प्याले में पकड़ी हुई एक मिनट की घड़ी पर काम कर रहा था, उसने उसे देखा और मुस्कुराया। हरि ने भी मुस्कुरा कर जवाब दिया।"

Questions and Answers (The Sri Krishna Eating House)

Short Answer Type Questions:

1. Q: What kind of work did Hari do in the Sri Krishna Eating House?
A: Hari helped knead dough, roll out chapatis, and carried food to the customers.

2. Q: What language did the boys speak at the Sri Krishna Eating House that Hari didn't understand?
A: The boys spoke in Tamil, a language Hari didn't know.

3. Q: What was the name of the watch repair shop next to the Sri Krishna Eating House?
A: The watch repair shop was called Ding Dong Watchworks.

4. Q: What did the man in the watch repair shop wear on his head?
A: The man wore a small black cap on his head.

5. Q: What did Hari do when the man in the watch repair shop smiled at him?
A: Hari smiled back at the man in the watch repair shop.

Long Answer Type Questions:

1. Q: Describe Hari's daily routine at the Sri Krishna Eating House based on the given paragraphs.
A: Hari worked hard all day, helping to knead dough, roll out chapatis, and carry food to the customers. He worked alongside two boys who spoke in Tamil, a language he didn't understand. Later, he went to the watch repair shop next door where the man smiled at him.

2. Q: How did Hari communicate with the boys at the Sri Krishna Eating House, considering they spoke a language he didn't understand?
A: The boys spoke in Tamil, which Hari didn't know. This language barrier led to silence between them as they worked, and Hari felt isolated due to their lack of communication.

3. Q: What was the significance of the watch repair shop, Ding Dong Watchworks, in Hari's daily life?
A: The watch repair shop provided a contrast to the silence and isolation Hari experienced at the Sri Krishna Eating House. The man in the shop smiled at Hari, offering a friendlier atmosphere than his workplace.

4. Q: How did Hari's experience at the Sri Krishna Eating House affect his interactions with others, as seen in the paragraphs?
A: Hari's experience at the eating house, where there was a lack of communication due to language barriers, made him appreciate the friendly smile and interaction he received from the man at the watch repair shop.

5. Q: What do Hari's interactions with the boys and the man at the watch repair shop reveal about his character and his environment?
A: Hari's willingness to work hard despite the language barrier with the boys and his appreciation of the friendly gesture from the man at the watch repair shop demonstrate his resilience and adaptability in a challenging environment.

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Credit:- The part has been taken from ICSE book and has been used for the educational purpose of the students of Class 7 to make their study easy. Sharing knowledge is no harm.

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