
The Sri Krishna Eating House - 3

 Welcome to J K Online Classes. Here is the brief introduction about the story of boy named Hari. This story is written by Anita Desai a renowned author. Here is the Hindi translation of the brief about the Sri Krishna Eating House. In this post two paragraphs of the story has been discussed with their Hindi meaning. Enjoy reading. The whole story will be divided into paragraphs. In this post two paragraphs [3] & [4] are discussed along with their Hindi meaning.

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The Sri Krishna Eating House Image-3

The Sri Krishna Eating House

This excerpt is taken from a book called The Village by the sea, which is a delightful story about a poor Indian family. The four children - Hari, Lila, Bela and Kamal - have to look after themselves because their mother is very ill and their father is drunk most of the time. hari and Lila are two older children and thee main characters in the book. Hari, feeling it is his duty to care for his family, leaves his sisters and his house and goes to Bombay (now Mumbai) hoping to work and earn some money. He knows no one in the big city, but a kind watchman takes him to a small and dirty restaurant. (Click this link to read it's Hindi Translation)

The story starts from here:

[3] But the Sri Krishna Eating House did not have even so much as a coloured picture of Krishna glued to the wall. Or perhaps there had been one and it had disappeared under the layers of grime and soot with which the walls were coated. the ceiling was thick with cobwebs that trapped the soot and made a kind of furry blanket over one's head. The floor and the wooden tables were all black, too, since they all got an even share of soot from the open stoves in the back room where the lentils were cooked all day in a huge aluminium pan and the chapatis were rolled by hand and baked.

[3] लेकिन श्री कृष्णा इटिंग हाउस की दीवार पर किसी भी रंगीन चित्र का अभिमान नहीं था। या शायद एक था और वह कचरे और काले धुएं की परतों के नीचे गायब हो गया था। छत पर बाल जालों से भरी थी जो धुएं को बंद करते थे और एक प्रकार की बालों वाली कंबल बना देते थे। फर्श और लकड़ी की मेज भी काली थीं, क्योंकि वे सभी पिछले कमरे में खुले चूल्हों से धुएं का बराबर हिस्सा प्राप्त करते थे, जहां दालियां पूरे दिन एक बड़े एल्यूमिनियम के पैन में पकती थीं और चपातियां हाथ से बेल करके बनाई और पकाई जाती थीं।

[4] It was certainly the cheapest restaurant anyone could possibly find in Bombay - even a beggar could afford to buy himself a meal here, and the usual customers were beggars and coolies who had stopped in between carrying their loads - sacks od coal and cylinders of gas - and cat-pullers who dragged goods through the city on long wooden hand-drawn carts. These people seemed to have no fixed working hours - before daylight there were some waiting for a meal who were given the leftovers of the night before, and the last came in after midnight when the whole city seemed to collapse into exhausted, disturbed sleep. So of course the owner had no time to weep or clean his restaurant or the money to decorate it with pictures and flowers.

[4] यह बॉम्बे में सबसे सस्ता रेस्टोरेंट था - यहां कोई भी भिखारी खुद को यहां पर खाना खरीदने की सक्षमता रखता था, और सामान्यत: ग्राहक भिखारी और मजदूर ही थे जो अपने भारों - कोयले के बोरे और गैस की सिलिंडर - को ले जाने के बीच में रुक जाते थे - और बिल्ली खिचड़ी जो लंबी लकड़ी की हाथ से खींची गई गाड़ियों पर शहर में सामान खींचती थीं। इन लोगों की दिनचर्या का कोई निश्चित काम का समय नहीं था - फजर से पहले वहां कुछ लोग खाना खाने के लिए इंतजार कर रहे थे जिन्हें पिछली रात की बची हुई चीज़ें दी जाती थीं, और आखिरकार रात के बाद में आते थे जब पूरा शहर थका हुआ, परेशान नींद में डूब रहता था। इसलिए, बेशक, मालिक को रेस्टोरेंट साफ करने या सजाने का भी समय नहीं था और न ही पैसे थे।

Questions and Answers (The Sri Krishna Eating House)

Short Answer Type Questions:

1. Q: What was missing on the walls of the Sri Krishna Eating House?
A: There was no colored picture of Krishna on the walls of the Sri Krishna Eating House.

2. Q: What might have happened to any picture that was previously on the walls?
A: It might have disappeared under the layers of grime and soot that coated the walls.

3. Q: What covered the ceiling of the Sri Krishna Eating House?
A: The ceiling was covered with thick cobwebs that trapped soot, creating a furry blanket.

4. Q: What was the condition of the floor and wooden tables in the Sri Krishna Eating House?
A: They were black, as they received soot from the open stoves in the back room where lentils were cooked and chapatis were baked.

5. Q: Who were the usual customers of the Sri Krishna Eating House?
A: The usual customers were beggars, coolies, and cart-pullers who stopped in between carrying their loads.

Long Answer Type Questions:

1. Q: Describe the state of the Sri Krishna Eating House based on the description in the paragraphs.
A: The Sri Krishna Eating House was in a poor state, lacking any colorful decorations or pictures. The walls were covered in grime and soot, and the ceiling was filled with cobwebs. The floor and wooden tables were black from soot, and the overall ambiance was dismal.

2. Q: What was the significance of the Sri Krishna Eating House being the cheapest restaurant in Bombay?
A: Being the cheapest meant that even the poorest individuals like beggars could afford a meal there. The usual customers were those who could not afford more expensive options.

3. Q: How did the description of the Sri Krishna Eating House reflect the social and economic conditions of its customers?
A: The description reflected the poverty and difficult working conditions of its customers, who were mainly beggars, coolies, and cart-pullers. The restaurant catered to those who could only afford the cheapest meals.

4. Q: How did the working hours of the customers impact the operations of the Sri Krishna Eating House?
A: The customers had irregular working hours, some arriving before daylight and others coming in after midnight. This meant that the restaurant had to accommodate customers at odd hours, leading to a lack of time and resources for maintenance and decoration.

5. Q: What does the description of the Sri Krishna Eating House reveal about the owner's priorities and challenges?
A: The description suggests that the owner prioritized serving affordable meals to a specific demographic, which left little time or resources for maintaining the restaurant's appearance. The owner likely faced challenges in catering to a customer base with irregular schedules and limited means.

Note:- If you find any kind of error in this post please comment with valid link.

Credit:- The part has been taken from ICSE book and has been used for the educational purpose of the students of Class 7 to make their study easy. Sharing knowledge is no harm.

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