
The Sri Krishna Eating House - 2

 Welcome to J K Online Classes. Here is the brief introduction about the story of boy named Hari. This story is written by Anita Desai a renowned author. Here is the Hindi translation of the brief about the Sri Krishna Eating House. In this post two paragraphs of the story has been discussed with their Hindi meaning. Enjoy reading. The whole story will be divided into paragraphs. In this post two paragraphs [1] & [2] are discussed along with their Hindi meaning.

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The Sri Krishna Eating House

This excerpt is taken from a book called The Village by the sea, which is a delightful story about a poor Indian family. The four children - Hari, Lila, Bela and Kamal - have to look after themselves because their mother is very ill and their father is drunk most of the time. hari and Lila are two older children and thee main characters in the book. Hari, feeling it is his duty to care for his family, leaves his sisters and his house and goes to Bombay (now Mumbai) hoping to work and earn some money. He knows no one in the big city, but a kind watchman takes him to a small and dirty restaurant. (Click this link to read it's Hindi Translation)

The story starts from here:

[1] Hari had been so tired and weak and anxious that first night that he had not really been aware of the place in which he found himself. He only saw it for the first time when he woke next morning.

[1] हरि उस पहली रात इतना थका हुआ और कमजोर और चिंतित था कि उसे वास्तव में वह स्थान जिसमें वह खुद को पाया, उसका ठीक से अहसास नहीं था। वह सिर्फ इसे उस सुबह जब वह उठा, पहली बार देखा।

[2] The Sri Krishna Eating House was the meanest and shabbiest restaurant Hari had ever seen; even in Thul there were cafes that were pleasanter; usually wooden sjhacks built in the shade of a mango or frangipani tree with a handful of marigolds and hibiscus crammed into an old ink bottle for a vase, coloured bottles of aerated drinks attractively arranged on the shelves and possibly a bright picture of a god or goddess on the wall with a tinsel garland around the frame and heavily scented joss sticks burning before it.

[2] श्री कृष्णा इटिंग हाउस वह सबसे नीच और फटीचर रेस्टोरेंट था जिसको हरि ने कभी देखा था; थुल में भी ऐसे कफी होते थे जो अधिक सुखद थे; सामान्यत: आम या चांपा के पेड़ की छाया में बने पुराने इंक की बोतल में सजाए गए मैरिगोल्ड और हिबिस्कस के कुछ टुकड़े एक जड़ी में भरे हुए, रंगीन बोतलों में कार्बनेटेड ड्रिंक्स आकर्षक ढंग से रखे गए और संभावना ही थी कि दीवार पर एक भव्य देवी या देवता की चित्र और उसके चारों ओर एक जड़ी गाजर के माला के साथ तेज़ महकी आरती की बद्बू जल रही होती।

Questions and Answers (The Sri Krishna Eating House)

Here are 10 Questions and Answers from these two paragraphs which can be helpful in many ways:

Short Answer Type Questions:

1. Q: Who was Hari in the story?
A: Hari was the protagonist of the story.

2. Q: What was Hari's initial condition when he arrived at the Sri Krishna Eating House?
A: Hari was tired, weak, and anxious when he arrived at the Sri Krishna Eating House.

3. Q: What did Hari notice about the Sri Krishna Eating House the next morning?
A: Hari noticed the Sri Krishna Eating House for the first time the next morning.

4. Q: How would you describe the Sri Krishna Eating House according to Hari's observations?
A: The Sri Krishna Eating House was the meanest and shabbiest restaurant Hari had ever seen.

5. Q: What were the typical features of the cafes in Thul that Hari found more pleasant?
A: The cafes in Thul were usually wooden shacks built in the shade of a mango or frangipani tree, with marigolds and hibiscus in an old ink bottle for a vase, colorful bottles of aerated drinks on shelves, and possibly a bright picture of a god or goddess on the wall with a tinsel garland around the frame and heavily scented joss sticks burning before it.

Long Answer Type Questions:

1. Q: Describe Hari's physical and mental state when he arrived at the Sri Krishna Eating House.
A: Hari was physically tired and weak, and mentally anxious when he arrived at the Sri Krishna Eating House. He was not fully aware of his surroundings due to his exhaustion.

2. Q: How did Hari perceive the Sri Krishna Eating House compared to other cafes he had seen in Thul?
A: Hari found the Sri Krishna Eating House to be the meanest and shabbiest restaurant he had ever seen, even though there were cafes in Thul that he considered more pleasant due to their typical features.

3. Q: What was Hari's first impression of the Sri Krishna Eating House?
A: Hari's first impression of the Sri Krishna Eating House was formed the next morning when he woke up. He had not been fully aware of the place when he arrived the previous night due to his tiredness.

4. Q: How does the description of the Sri Krishna Eating House contribute to the setting of the story?
A: The description of the Sri Krishna Eating House sets the tone for the story, portraying it as a dismal and uninviting place that contrasts with the more pleasant cafes Hari is familiar with.

5. Q: What do the details about the cafes in Thul reveal about Hari's preferences and background?
A: The details about the cafes in Thul reveal that Hari is familiar with more pleasant and colorful places, indicating that he may have a preference for a more vibrant and lively environment. It also suggests that he might come from a place where such cafes are common and preferred.

Note:- If you find any kind of error in this post please comment with valid link.

Credit:- The part has been taken from ICSE book and has been used for the educational purpose of the students of Class 7 to make their study easy. Sharing knowledge is no harm.

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