
Daily-Life English Speaking Words (O Letter Words)

 Hello everyone, Welcome to J K Online Classes.

Here you will get to read 25 such words of English starting with "O". 

Here are 25 words starting with "O" along with their meanings in Hindi and English:

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Words starting with Letter "O"

1. Observe (ध्यान देना) - to watch carefully

2. Occupy (कब्जा करना) - to take control of a place or thing

3. Obtain (प्राप्त करना) - to get something by effort

4. Offer (प्रस्ताव) - to present or provide

5. Oppose (विरोध करना) - to be against something

6. Organize (संगठित करना) - to arrange in a structured manner

7. Open (खुला) - not closed or sealed

8. Operate (ऑपरेट) - to work or function

9. Opt (चुनना) - to make a choice

10. Overcome (परास्त करना) - to succeed in dealing with a problem

11. Oversee (निगरानी करना) - to supervise or watch over

12. Originate (उत्पन्न होना) - to begin or arise

13. Omit (छोड़ना) - to leave out or exclude

14. Overwhelm (अधिक भारी होना) - to overpower with a strong emotion or force

15. Offend (अपमानित करना) - to hurt someone's feelings or violate a rule

16. Outrage (उत्कृष्टता) - extreme anger or indignation

17. Oblige (आदेश देना) - to require or compel someone to do something

18. Optimize (अधिकतम उपयोग करना) - to make something as effective or functional as possible

19. Outsmart (बुद्धिमानी से काम लेना) - to defeat someone by being more clever or intelligent

20. Outperform (बेहतर प्रदर्शन करना) - to do better than others in a task or activity

21. Outsource (निर्वाह) - to obtain goods or services from an outside supplier

22. Overlook (नजरअंदाज करना) - to fail to notice or consider something

23. Overdo (अत्यधिक करना) - to do something excessively

24. Owe (ऋणी होना) - to be under an obligation to pay or repay

25. Overturn (उलटना) - to turn upside down or overthrow

Watch the video explanation here: 👇

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