
Daily life English Speaking Words (A letter words)

 Hello everyone, here you will get to read 25 such words of English starting with "A". 

Here are 25 words starting with "A" along with their meanings in Hindi and English:

Words starting with letter A j k online classes online tuition classes
Words starting with letter A

"A" letter words:

1. Apple (सेब) - A fruit with a thin red or green skin and a crisp white flesh.

2. Aeroplane (विमान) - A powered flying vehicle with fixed wings and a weight greater than that of the air it displaces.

3. Ant (चींटी) - A small insect typically having a sting and living in a complex social colony.

4. Arrow (तीर) - A thin, straight stick with a sharp point at one end and feathers at the other.

5. Arm (बाहु) - The upper limb of the human body, especially the part extending from the shoulder to the wrist.

6. Angel (फरिश्ता) - A spiritual being believed to act as an attendant, agent, or messenger of God.

7. Algebra (बीजगणित) - A branch of mathematics in which letters and symbols are used to represent numbers and quantities in formulae and equations.

8. Alligator (मगरमच्छ) - A large semiaquatic reptile with a long body, tail, and powerful jaws.

9. Arrowhead (तीर की नोक) - The pointed end of an arrow.

10. Abandon (त्याग देना) - To leave someone or something behind permanently.

11. Abundant (प्रचुर) - Existing or available in large quantities.

12. Absorb (अवशोषित करना) - To take in or soak up.

13. Abnormal (असामान्य) - Not normal; unusual.

14. Absent (अनुपस्थित) - Not present in a place, at an occasion, or as part of something.

15. Abhor (घृणा करना) - To regard with disgust and hatred.

16. Abide (निवास करना) - To accept or act in accordance with a rule, decision, or recommendation.

17. Abject (निराधार) - Extremely bad, unpleasant, and degrading.

18. Abjure (त्यागना) - To solemnly renounce (a belief, cause, or claim).

19. Abolish (समाप्त करना) - To formally put an end to (a system, practice, or institution).

20. Abound (प्रचुर मात्रा में होना) - To exist in large numbers or amounts.

21. Abrasive (रेगड़नेवाला) - Showing little concern for the feelings of others; harsh.

22. Abridge (संक्षेपित करना) - To shorten (a piece of writing) without losing the sense.

23. Absolute (पूर्ण) - Not qualified or diminished in any way; total.

24. Absolve (मुक्त करना) - To declare (someone) free from guilt, obligation, or punishment

25. Astonish (आश्चर्यचकित करना) - To surprise or greatly impress someone.

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*-* The End*-*

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