
Turkish Invasion Class 7 ICSE 2023 - 24 (Extra Questions for practice) - II

 Turkish Invasion Class 7 ICSE 2023 - 24 (Extra Questions for practice) Part 2

Hello students in this post you will get to read the 10 question and answers of the chapter the Turkish invasion in India. All the questions are very important for any exam purpose or for general knowledge purpose.

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The Turkish Invasion Class 7 ICSE Question-Answers

You can easily understand the questions as all the questions contain their brief answers and detailed answers both. 

Q11: What territories did Mohammad Ghori capture after his victory over Prithviraj Chauhan?

Brief Answer: After defeating Prithviraj Chauhan, Mohammad Ghori captured territories such as Ajmer, Delhi, and appointed a puppet king in Ajmer/ 

Detailed Answer: Following his victory over Prithviraj Chauhan, Mohammad Ghori captured several territories, including Ajmer and Delhi. He appointed a puppet king in Ajmer to administer the region on his behalf.


Q12: Who was Qutbuddin Aibak, and what role did he play in the aftermath of Mohammad Ghori's conquests? 

Brief Answer: Qutbuddin Aibak was the first Viceroy of India appointed by Mohammad Ghori, and he extended the empire's control over various north-west regions.

Detailed Answer: Qutbuddin Aibak was appointed as the first Viceroy of India by Mohammad Ghori. He played a significant role in extending the empire's control by capturing various north-west regions of India. He also laid the foundation stone of the Delhi Sultanate in 1206 AD.


Q13: What were some of the reasons for the success of the Turks in India during the Turkish invasions?

Brief Answer: The success of the Turks in India during the Turkish invasions can be attributed to the weakness of various Rajput kingdoms, superior Turkish military tactics, and the division within Indian society. 

Detailed Answer: The Turks' success in India during the Turkish invasions can be attributed to several factors:

1. The weakness of various Rajput kingdoms, which were often engaged in internal conflicts.

2. Superior Turkish military tactics, including skilled horse riders and agile warfare.

3. The lack of advanced military tactics and scientific knowledge among the Indians.

4. The error in judgment made by some Rajput rulers.

Q14: What impact did the Turkish invasions have on India in terms of culture and society?

Brief Answer: The Turkish invasions led to cultural exchange, influenced art, architecture, food, dress, music, painting, and reduced the importance of the caste system in India.

Detailed Answer: The Turkish invasions had a significant impact on India:

1. They facilitated cultural exchange between India and the Arab world.

2. This exchange influenced various aspects of Indian culture, including art, architecture, food, dress, music, and painting.

3. The invasions also contributed to a reduction in the importance of the caste system.

Q15: How did the Turkish invasions impact India's contacts with the Arab world?

Brief Answer: The Turkish invasions led to increased contacts between India and the Arab world, with travelers from the Arab world visiting India. 

Detailed Answer: The Turkish invasions resulted in increased contacts between India and the Arab world. Travelers from the Arab world began visiting India, and there are records of books on Indian astronomy and mathematics being present in Baghdad.


The Turkish Invasion Question-Answer Part -1 online tuition classes
The Turkish Invasion Question-Answer Part -1

Q16: What were some of the cultural influences that resulted from the Turkish invasions in India?

Brief Answer: The Turkish invasions influenced various aspects of Indian culture, including art, architecture, food, dress, music, and painting.

Detailed Answer: The Turkish invasions had a profound impact on Indian culture. They influenced art, architecture, food, dress, music, painting, and other cultural aspects, leading to a blending of Turkish and Indian influences.


Q17: How did the Turkish invasions affect the caste system in India?

Brief Answer: The Turkish invasions contributed to a reduction in the importance of the caste system in India.

Detailed Answer: The Turkish invasions had an impact on the caste system in India, leading to a reduction in its importance. The disruptions caused by the invasions and the subsequent cultural exchanges played a role in this transformation.


Q18: Who were Al Beruni and Firdausi, and what were their contributions during Mahmud of Ghazni's rule?

Brief Answer: Al Beruni and Firdausi were scholars who made significant contributions during Mahmud of Ghazni's rule. They wrote Kitab-ul-hind and Shahnamah, respectively.

Detailed Answer: Al Beruni and Firdausi were notable scholars during Mahmud of Ghazni's rule. They made significant contributions to literature and culture. Al Beruni wrote Kitab-ul-hind, which provided valuable insights into Indian society and science, while Firdausi authored Shahnamah, a celebrated epic poem.

Q19: What were the key contributions of Mahmud of Ghazni as a patron of art and learning?

Brief Answer: Mahmud of Ghazni's contributions as a patron of art and learning included inviting scholars to his court and founding universities in Ghazni.

Detailed Answer: Mahmud of Ghazni played a significant role as a patron of art and learning. He invited scholars to his court, fostering an environment of intellectual exchange. Additionally, he founded universities in Ghazni, which contributed to the advancement of various subjects, including mathematics, religion, and medicine.


Q20: What military tactics did Mahmud of Ghazni employ in his invasions of India?

Brief Answer: Mahmud of Ghazni employed fast horses in his military campaigns, which were more agile compared to Indian elephants. 

Detailed Answer: Mahmud of Ghazni's military tactics in his invasions of India included the use of fast horses. These horses provided the advantage of agility in comparison to the Indian elephants often used in warfare during that era.

The Turkish Invasion Question-Answers Part - 3 online tuition classes
The Turkish Invasion Question-Answers Part - 3


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