
Turkish Invasion Class 7 ICSE 2023 - 24 (Extra Questions for practice) - I

 Turkish Invasion Class 7 ICSE 2023 - 24 (Extra Questions for practice) Part 1

Hello students in this post you will get to read the 10 question and answers of the chapter the Turkish invasion in India. All the questions are very important for any exam purpose or for general knowledge purpose.

Turkish Invasion Class 7 ICSE Question and Answers online tuition classes
Turkish Invasion Class 7 ICSE Question and Answers

You can easily understand the questions as all the questions contain their brief answers and detailed answers both. 

Q1: Who was Mahmud of Ghazni, and what was his significance in the Turkish invasion of India? 

Brief Answer: Mahmud of Ghazni was a Turkish ruler who invaded India multiple times in the 11th century for wealth and to spread Islam. 

Detailed Answer: Mahmud of Ghazni was the eldest son of Sabuktigin and played a significant role in the Turkish invasions of the Indian subcontinent during the 11th century. He invaded India 17 times between 1000 AD and 1026 AD, primarily with the goals of plundering wealth and spreading Islam. His invasions targeted rich temple towns and resulted in the looting and destruction of numerous temples. However, despite his numerous campaigns, Mahmud did not acquire vast territories in India. He annexed areas in Punjab, including Lahore and Multan, but his primary interest lay in expanding his empire in Central Asia, not India.


Q2: What were Mahmud of Ghazni's most daring expeditions in India?

Brief Answer: Mahmud's most daring expeditions included his invasions of Mathura, Kannauj, and the Somnath temple.

Detailed Answer: Mahmud of Ghazni's most daring expeditions in India took place in 1018 AD when he invaded Mathura and Kannauj and in 1026 AD when he targeted the Somnath temple. These campaigns were characterized by their audacity and the significant plundering and destruction they caused.


Q3: What was the outcome of Mahmud of Ghazni's invasions in India in terms of territorial expansion?

Brief Answer: Mahmud of Ghazni only annexed areas in Punjab, including Lahore and Multan, as he was primarily interested in expanding in Central Asia.

Detailed Answer: Despite his many successful campaigns in India, Mahmud of Ghazni did not acquire vast territories. He only managed to annex regions in Punjab, which included Lahore and Multan. His primary focus was on expanding his empire in Central Asia rather than in India.


Q4: How is Mahmud of Ghazni viewed in Indian history, and what were some of his positive qualities? 

Brief Answer: Mahmud of Ghazni is often seen as an idol-breaker and plunderer in Indian history, but he also had positive qualities. He was a skilled soldier, patron of art and learning, and established universities in Ghazni.

Detailed Answer: In Indian history, Mahmud of Ghazni is often remembered as an idol-breaker and a plunderer due to his numerous temple destructions and wealth looting. However, he also possessed positive qualities. He was a gifted soldier who employed fast horses in wars, which were more agile than Indian elephants. Additionally, he was a patron of art and learning, inviting scholars to his court and founding universities in Ghazni. Notably, he sponsored the works of Al Beruni and Firdausi, who wrote Kitab-ul-hind and Shahnamah, respectively, which are considered great epics.


Q5: When did Mahmud of Ghazni die? 

Brief Answer: Mahmud of Ghazni died in the year 1030 AD.

Detailed Answer: Mahmud of Ghazni passed away in the year 1030 AD.


The Turkish Invasion Question-Answer Part -II online tuition classes
The Turkish Invasion Question-Answer Part -II

Q6: Who was Mohammad Ghori, and what was his role in the Turkish invasion of India?

 Brief Answer: Mohammad Ghori was a ruler of the Ghurid dynasty and played a significant role in establishing Muslim rule in India.

Detailed Answer: Mohammad Ghori was a ruler of the Ghurid dynasty, and he played a vital role in the Turkish invasion of India. He laid the foundation of Islam in the Indian subcontinent and established a Muslim dynasty known as the Sultanate Dynasty.


Q7: What region did Mohammad Ghori conquer in his first expedition in India? 

Brief Answer: In his first expedition, Mohammad Ghori conquered the region of Multan.

Detailed Answer: During his first expedition in India, Mohammad Ghori successfully conquered the region of Multan.


Q8: Who defeated Mohammad Ghori in his second expedition in 1178 AD, and where did this battle take place?

Brief Answer: Mohammad Ghori was defeated by the ruler of Gujarat in his second expedition in 1178 AD.

Detailed Answer: In his second expedition in 1178 AD, Mohammad Ghori was defeated by the ruler of Gujarat. The battle took place in the region of Gujarat.


Q9: What was the outcome of the First Battle of Terrain, and who were the key figures involved?

Brief Answer: The First Battle of Terrain in 1191 AD resulted in the defeat of Mohammad Ghori by Prithviraj Chauhan.

Detailed Answer: The First Battle of Terrain in 1191 AD saw Mohammad Ghori facing defeat at the hands of Prithviraj Chauhan, a prominent Indian ruler.


Q10: How did the Second Battle of Terrain in 1192 AD differ from the first, and who emerged victorious?

Brief Answer: The Second Battle of Terrain in 1192 AD saw Mohammad Ghori regrouping his forces and defeating Prithviraj Chauhan, who did not receive much support from other Rajput rulers.

Detailed Answer: In the Second Battle of Terrain in 1192 AD, Mohammad Ghori regrouped his forces and defeated Prithviraj Chauhan. Unlike the first battle, Prithviraj did not receive significant support from other Rajput rulers, leading to his defeat.

The Turkish Invasion Question-Answer Part - 3 online tuition classes
The Turkish Invasion Question-Answer Part - 3


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