
Extreme weather Questions and Answers Class 8 ICSE

 Extreme Weather Class 8 ICSE Questions and Answers

Hello there, in this article we are going to cover the questions and answers of chapter Extreme Weather of Class 8 of ICSE Board.

The Extreme Weather Questions and Answers online tuition classes
The Extreme Weather Questions and Answers

Extreme Weather Questions and Answers:

Question 1: What are three ways that humans have created for shielding themselves from weather?

Answer: Humans have created various ways of protecting and shielding themselves from the weather and  and its worst conditions it creates. They are umbrellas, sunscreen, air conditioning, fans, heater, thermal clothing and many more. (You can write only three)

Question 2: How satellites have been helpful to scientists for measuring temperatures in remote areas?

Answer: Satellites use infrared scans and eco-drones and help scientists to add to existing ground data collection methods and venture further into these remote areas of the earth to measure their temperatures. Scientists have also used satellite images to record data from the middle of deserts that were inaccessible. Satellites measure the temperature on the land rather than just above it.

Question 3: What are weather stations?

Answer: Weather stations are places where equipment is setup to measure temperature, rainfall and other weather conditions. This data helps scientists to analyze, try to understand and attempt to predict the weather.

Question 4: In what ways are the parts of the world 'hostile' to humans?

Answer: It is the weather and the extreme temperatures that makes the most of the world part 'hostile' to humans.

Question 5: When and where was the hottest temperature recorded?

Answer: Hottest temperature of 70.7 degree Celsius (159.3 degree Fahrenheit) was recorded in the Dash-e-Lut desert in Iran in year 2005.

Question 6: What are some ways by which we can find relief from the very hot weather?

Answer: We can find relief from very hot weather by sitting in cool baths, drinking iced drinks, staying in air-conditioned buildings or resting shade.

Question 7: Why is it hard to live a normal life if the temperature gets extremely hot?

Answer: It is hard to live a normal life if the temperature gets extremely hot because at extremely hot temperatures, people are at the risk from heat exhaustion, dehydration and even death. Life does not thrive in extreme temperatures.

Question 8: What is the driest place on earth and what makes it so dry?

Answer: Antarctica, which is seen as a land of snow and ice, contains the driest place on earth. Among the ice, snow and cold lies a huge mountainous region that is almost entirely free of ice and snow. The large ice-free region has very low humidity and contains Dry Valleys - a desert. Here, powerful winds rush down the sheer mountain walls at speeds of up to 320 kmph, heating and evaporating any ice, water and snow so that there is no precipitation at all.

Question 9: What is rain shadow and what creates it?

Answer: Rain shadow is a dry area on the leeward side of a mountainous area. The mountains block the passage of rain-producing weather systems and cast a 'shadow' of dryness behind them. One such example is in Chile in South America, which has a high plateau in the North of the country called the Atacama Desert. Rainfall on the mountains to the East creates a rain shadow on the desert so that no rain falls on the desert plateau.

The Extreme Weather Questions and Answers online tuition classes icse board
The Extreme Weather Questions and Answers

Question 10: What is the average daily temperature of Oymyakon?

Answer: The average daily temperature recorded at Oymyakon is -46 degree celsius.

Question 11: What is unusual about the weather in the UK?

Answer: The weather in the UK is very unpredictable. It is likely to rain on 9 to 14 days in each month. It can have a cold day in the middle of the summer and warm sunshine on a winter's day. It can also have a range of weather in any one day.

Question 12: What are two positive things and two negative things about the large amount off rainfall in Meghalaya?

Answer: Due tot the large amount of rainfall in Meghalaya, the live of the residents are sometimes aggressively affected by washing away power line and buildings. However, it is the rains that brings tourists to this area, to witness rushing water, cascading waterfalls, lush vegetation and a vast network of longest and deepest caves in India.

Question 13: Answer the following questions with reference to context.

The landscape is so arid that scientists are very interested in studying it because it is the place on earth that is most similar to the conditions on the planet Mars.

(a) What does arid mean?

Answer: Arid means a land or a climate having little or no rain. It is too dry or barren to support vegetation.

(b) Which place is being described here?

Answer: The place which is being described here is the huge mountainous region in Antarctica which is almost entirely free of ice and snow. The large ice-free region has very low humidity and contains the Dry Valleys - a desert.

*-*-* The End*-*-*

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