
Energy Class 8 ICSE 2023 - 24 (Physics test)


Physics test class 8 ICSE (J K Online Classes)
Physics test class 8 ICSE (J K Online Classes)


ICSE Board 2023 - 24                                                                                                  Subject: Physics

Class 8                                                                                                                          Chapter: Energy

Total marks: 40                                                                                                       Total time:  75 Min.

 A. Define the following terms: (4 Marks)

1. Work

2. Energy

3. Energy transformation

4. Power

B . Fill In the Blanks: (4 Marks)

1. When we pedal a bicycle, the muscular energy gets converted into the kinetic energy.

2. When work is done by a body, it loses energy.

3. Potential energy of a body depends on its mass, acceleration due to gravity and height above the ground.

4. 1 kgf-m = 9.8 J

C.  State whether the following sentences are True (T) or False (F). (4 Marks)

1. Work is said to be done on a body, when a force moves a body in its own direction. (T)

2. Work and energy are two independent terms. (T)

3. A wound spring of a watch or a toy car has gravitational potential energy stored in it. (F)

4. Roller coaster ride is an example of energy transformation. (T)

D. Choose the correct option: (4 Marks)

1. Which of the following is not the unit of energy?

(a) joule, (b) newton-meter, (c) newton, (d) calorie.

2. As the speed of a body becomes three times, its kinetic energy increases by 9 times.

(a) 3 times, (b) 9 times, (c) 1/3 times, (d) 1/9 times

3. In a dry cell, the chemical energy gets converted into electrical energy.

(a) electrical-light, (b) electrical-chemical, (c) chemical-electrical, (d) light-electrical

4.Which among the following represent gravitational potential energy?

(a) water stored in a dam, (b) a freely falling body, (c) a man pushing a wall, (d) moving wind

E. Answer the following questions. (3 Mark each)

1. What do you mean by the term energy transformation? Give two examples.

2. What is power? Write it's SI unit and define it. How is power defined in terms of energy.

3. What is energy? Write it's SI unit and define it. What is elastic potential energy?

4. Differentiate between work and energy.

5. Differentiate between work and power. How are the units of power and work related?

F. Numerical based questions: (3 Marks each)

1. A water pump can lift 30 kg of water per minute to a tank. If the potential energy of the water stored is 23.4 kJ, calculate the height of the water tank. (Given: g = 10 ms-2)

2. Two bodies which are equal in mass, move with uniform velocities of 6 ms-1and 18 ms-1, respectively. Find the ratio of their kinetic energy.

3. An electric pump of 1.6 kW is used to pump water for 32 minutes. Calculate the energy supplied by the pump in joule.

*-*-*All the Best*-*-*

*-* The End*-*

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