
Energy Class 7 ICSE 2023 - 24 (Physics test)


Physics test class 7 ICSE (J K Online Classes) online tuition classes
Physics test class 7 ICSE (J K Online Classes)

ICSE Board 2023 - 24                                                                                                  Subject: Physics

Class 7                                                                                                                          Chapter: Energy

Total marks: 27                                                                                                        Total time: 1 Hour

 A. Define the following terms: (4 Marks)

1. Work

2. Energy

3. Energy transformation

4. Law of conservation of mass

B . Fill In the Blanks: (4 Marks)

1. The energy stored in nucleus of an atom is called Nuclear Energy.

2. Light energy is utilised by the plants during the process of photosynthesis.

3. In a microphone, the sound energy gets converted into the electrical energy.

4. When the crackers bursts, the chemical energy changes to heat, sound & light energy.

C.  State whether the following sentences are True (T) or False (F). (4 Marks)

1. Sound is a form of energy produced by vibrating bodies. (T)

2. The energy can be transformed from one form to another form. (T)

3. Greater the mass of the body, lower the potential energy of the body at that height. (F)

4. The muscular energy id derived from the chemical energy stored in the food that we eat. (T)

D. Choose the correct option: (4 Marks)

1. The potential energy is directly proportional to mass and height of the body.

(a) mass and height of the body, (b) mass of the body, (c) height of the body, (d) none of these.

2. The SI unit of work done is Joule.

(a) Newton, (b) Calorie, (c) Watt, (d) Joule

3. When an object weighing 50 kg is made fall from a 10-storey tall building, the potential energy will decrease.

(a) increase, (b) decrease, (c) remain the same, (d) none of these

4.When burning the wood, the chemical energy changes to heat energy.

(a) kinetic energy, (b) heat energy, (c) potential energy, (d) mechanical energy

E. Answer in short. (3 Marks)

1. Why do we get hurt when we come in front of a moving bicycle?

2. Name five different forms of energy.

3. Differentiate between the chemical energy and nuclear energy.

F. Answer in detail: (8 Marks)

1. Differentiate between the kinetic energy and potential energy.

2. How light energy helps in the sustenance of life on the earth?

3.In a roller coaster, the potential and kinetic energy keeps on changing, why?

4. What is the law of conservation of energy, explain with two examples.

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