
Computer Test (Class VIII) ICSE Board-2023-24


Computer Test (Class VIII) ICSE Board

Maximum Marks: 30 Marks

Chapter: Flowchart

Total Time: 1 hr

Computer test Paper Class 8 ICSE Board chapter flowchart computer hardware j k online classes
Computer Test Paper J K Online Classes (Online Tuition Classes)

A.     Fill in the blanks: (1 Marks Each)


1.       1. The set of sequential steps that helps in solving a problem is known as ____________.

2.       2. The _______________ box is used to enter data and give the result of a program.

3.       3. The box used to represent a condition is _______________.

4.       4. The _______________ are used to join one part of flowchart with another.

5.       5. The _______________ symbol represents the beginning or ending point of a program.


B.      Multiple choice questions: (1 Marks Each)

1.       1. To create a ___________ different shapes are used, which are connected with each other with the help of the flow lines.

a.       Flowchart                                    b. Algorithm                                           c. None of these 

2.      2. Which box is used to display the final result?

a.       Stop box                                      b. Output box                                         c. Processing box 

3.       3. In a flowchart, the ____________ indicates the sequence of steps and directions of flow.

a.       Start/Stop Box                             b. Flow line                                            c. Connector 

4.       4. To perform a certain action depending upon a condition, you can use the _______________.

a.       Conditional statement                  b. Step by step Procedure                      c. None of these


C.     True/False: (1 Marks Each)


1.       1. A Start/Stop box is also known as the terminal box.

2.       2. Algorithm consist of a set of rules that specifies how to solve the problems.

3.       3. A processing box shows the continuation of the flowchart from on page to another.

4.       4. The Decision or Condition box is represented by a diamond shape.


D.     Answer the following questions: (3 Marks Each)


1.       1. What is an algorithm? Write any two characteristics of an algorithm.

2.       2. Describe the use of flow lines in flowcharts.

3.       3. Write any three characteristics of a flowchart.

4.       4. Describe the use of flowcharts.


E.      Draw the diagrams, which are used to represent the following box/lines. (1 Marks Each)


1        1. Decision box

2.       Start/Stop Box

3.       Flow lines

          4. Input/Output Box

5.       Processing Box


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