
ICSE - Class - 8 - 2023 |Note of chapter: American Civil War |

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The American Civil War Class 8 ICSE (J K Online Classes)
The American Civil War Class 8 ICSE (J K Online Classes)

Chapter: American Civil War

In 19th century the Northern states of America become hub for manufacturing and shipping centres while the Southern states developed in field of Agriculture.

One of the most important industry of southern states was cotton growing industry. Most of the cottons was shipped to England where was huge demand for raw materials due to the Industrial revolution. Tea, rubber, sugar were such cash crops which were grown on plantations of southern states on large scale because of favourable climate.

As demand for plantations increased, demand for labour also increased. For this purpose, slaves were brought from Africa who served as cheap labour in fields of southern states. It caused increase in slave trade to work on plantations of southern states.

Around the same time, the northern states of America became economically stronger due to development in industries. Industrial revolution took place in Northern states between 1815 to 1860. Unlike southern states, northern states required only wage earning workers for running their factories. They do not required cheap labour like southern states. Slavery was practically abolished from Northern States. They also wanted it to be banned in Southern states as well.

🔴Causes of American Civil War

➡️ One of the major factor was that northern states wanted to improve the transport and communication system in America but southern states were totally against this idea because that could adversely affect the soil fertility which will impact their plantation industry.

➡️ The northern states were in favour of the imposition of protective taxes on foreign goods which will make foreign goods expensive and thereby increase the demand of manufactured goods. Southern states were against the idea of imposition of this protective tax on foreign goods as they imported a wide variety of goods from foreign markets.

➡️ When the new western states of Texas, Mexico and California, etc were to be included in the United States of America, the question arose whether they will be free states or slave-owning states. Northern states were against the slavery whereas the southern states favoured it. Southern states assumed that federal government was taking away their rights and power.

➡️ The question of states right and amount of freedom to be given to the individual states was another issue. The northern states wanted America to remain one nation while southern states wanted to get separated from the union.

➡️ Slavery was one of the major issue that led to the Civil war in America. It had become the major issue all over the world in the middle of 19th century. Many countries had banned it too, but southern states were against it for their requirement of cheap labour. Northern states wanted to end to the slavery but the southern states were against abolishing slavery.

🔴Past of Slavery of American Civil War

Slavery had existed in America before the American War of Independence. After the American War of Independence, it continue to grow and flourish in southern states but it was abolished in Northern States. Slavery was important for the economy of southern states. They also needed slave for doing household chores. Though slaves did a lot of job, they were never treated fairly, they were tortured bitterly and treated very harshly. Slaves were treated as the movable property by their owners.

🔴Abolishment of Slavery of American Civil War

In the 19th century, many European countries including northern states of America felt that slavery was injustice, and every society must eliminate this evil.

William Llyod Garrison led a movement to abolish slavery by establishing the American Anti-Slavery Society. The role of writers to the American Civil War was given by two novels - Uncle's Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe and Impending Crisis of the South by Hinton Rowan Helper. It is said the Uncle's Tom's Cabin helped in laying the groundwork.

As the gap between the views of northern and southern states were growing stronger, political development made matters worse. Abraham Lincoln was elected as the 16th president of the United States of America in 1861. Abraham Lincoln was well known for his anti-slavery views. According to him, slavery was a vicious and brutal system in which human bondage was neglected, which was a gross violation of democracy. He believed that all men are equal and did not allow the extension of slavery in newly established western states of America.

In 1861, the southern states of America formed the Confederate States of America and choose Jefferson Davis as their president.

The eleven slave owning states were South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiane, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, Tennesse and North Carolina.

🔴Main events of American Civil War

The American Civil War broke out on 12 April 1861 when southerners opened fire and bombarded Fort Sumter where offices of federal government was situated in South Carolina. Abraham Lincoln declared on the southern states. The forces of northern states clashed with the Confederate Army and various battle were fought between them.

Ports to the southern states were closed by the Union navy at the order of Lincoln. He imposed a blockade on the southern states due to which vessels trying to enter Southern Confederacy were captured before entering.

🔴Turning point for American Civil War

The Battle of Gettysburg is considered as a turning point in the American Civil War. It was fought in July 1863. Southern states general Robert Lee fought with the Union Army which was under the leadership of military commander of George C Meade at Gettysburg. The two sides suffered more than 45,000 casualties in this war.

In 1863, a famous speech Gettysburg Address was delivered by Abraham Lincoln. He also dedicated a National Cemetery at Gettysburg to the soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the nation. The slavery was abolished by Abraham Lincoln in 1865 A.D.

American Civil War ended on 9 April 1865 after four years of fighting, when Robert Lee, Confederate General, surrendered to the Union General Ulysses Grant along with his army. The Unity of America was preserved as the northern states won the war.

🔴Results of the American Civil War

American civil war was one of the most fierce civil war in the history of America. Nearly six lakh people lost their lives in this war. The biggest result was the end of slavery. Since the war was fought mainly in the south, which made the southern states poor within a few year. Northern states on the other hand was rich in resources and had the leadership of Abraham Lincoln.

🔴Role of Abraham Lincoln in American Civil War

Abraham Lincoln was a witty, thoughtful and a kind-hearted person. He was born in year 1809. He became a member of the Republican party in 1854. He became the 16th president of America in 1861. He believed in equality in men, wanted to preserve the Union and abolish slavery. He was a great orator. His speech at Gettysburg is one of the best speeches in American History. India was also inspired by the speech for establishing democracy.

Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1862 which declared slavery illegal in southern states. Slaves were given the citizenship and voting rights after the war. The 13th amendment to the American Constitution abolished slavery in 1865. He also strengthened the federal government and modernised the U.S economy. Unfortunately, Abraham Lincoln was shot dead by a mad southern actor in a Washington Theatre after 10 days of the victory of the Union.

*-* The End*-*

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