
ICSE - Class 7 - History - Chapter: The Turkish Invasion (Mohammad Ghori)

The Turkish Invasions has took in Indian Subcontinent in the 11th and 12th centuries. Mahmud of Ghazni and Mohammad Ghori are two invaders from Turk who invaded India several times.

Turkish Invasion Class 7 ICSE (J K Online Classes)
Turkish Invasion Class 7 ICSE (J K Online Classes)

Chapter: The Turkish Invasion

🔴Mahmud of Ghazni in Turkish Invasion

He was eldest son of Sabuktigin, Sabuktigin was Turkish General who invaded India first time in 987 AD. Mahmud Ghazni invaded India 17 times in 26 years from 1,000 AD to 1,026 AD. He attacked India for plundering the wealth of India and also to spread Islam in India. Mahmud looted the wealth of the rich temple towns in India. The main regions which he attacked in the following period were Nagarkot, Kangra, Thaneswar, Mathura, kannauj, Somnath and the forts of Gwalior and Kalinjar. Hundreds of temples were plundered and destroyed.

His invasion to Mathura and Kannauj in 1,018 AD and Somnath temple in 1,026 AD were his most daring expeditions. Though he has numerous victorious campaigns, Mahmud did not acquire vast territories in India. He only annexed the areas of Punjab which included the regions of Lahore and Multan. This was because his chief interest was for expansion in Central Asia not in India.

In Indian history, inspite he was known as idol-breaker and a bandit, he had many good qualities too. He was a gifted soldier, he used horses in wars which were fast in comparison to Indian elephants. He was patron of art and learning. He invited scholars to his court and also founded universities in Ghazni.

Al Beruni and Firdausi who wrote Kitab-ul-hind and Shahnamah respectively, which were one of the great epics. During his rule universities were built to study various subjects such as mathematics, religion and medicine. He died in 1,030 AD.

🔴Mohammad Ghori in Turkish Invasion

Ghor was a small kingdom established by Ghiyasuddin Ghori inn Afghanistan. Muhammad of Ghor was one of the greatest rulers of the Ghurid dynasty and was known for laying the foundation of Islam in Indian subcontinent.

Ghor was a state which used to involved in military activity so it did not yield much revenue for huge agricultural production. To get this job done he used to levy heavy taxes from developed areas like Khurasan and Merv, which made him unpopular in these areas. As result the people of Khurasan forced the Ghoris out of Khurasan after conflict. And then he started invading India.

He was in-fact the first to lay the foundation stone of Islam in India by establishing Muslim Dynasty known as Sultanate Dynasty. At the end of 12th century AD, he led a series of expeditions in India. in his first expedition, he conquered the region of Multan. While in his second expedition in 1,178 AD he was defeated by ruler of Gujarat. In 1,950 he captured Punjab by killing ruler Khusrau Malik of the Ghazni Dynasty.

The reason behind attacking Punjab was to make his base for his further conquests. In 1,191 AD, in the First Battle of Terrain, Ghori was defeated by Prithviraj Chauhan of Delhi and Ajmer. But Prithviraj did not tried to run him from Punjab as Prithviraj considered Mohammad Ghori as no threat. He then returned soon and challenged Prithviraj Chauhan in Second Battle of Terrain in 1,192 AD by regrouping his forces. But this time Prithviraj did not get much support from Rajput rulers. In the end he was defeated by Ghori and his territories were captured.

Mohammad Ghori moved to Banaras and established a strong garrison. He appointed a muslim governor to administer the Ajmer and took control of Rajput fortresses in Gwalior and Kalinjar.  A great General of Ghori, Mohammad Bin Bakhtiar Khilji, conquered Bihar and destroyed many Buddhist monastries, many monks fled to Tibet. The Sena dynasty of Bengal lost to Bakhtiar Khilji.

Mohammad Ghori appointed son of Prithviraj Chauhan, the puppet king of Ajmer and Delhi. He also appointed Qutbuddin Aibak as the first Viceroy of India and gave responsibility of taking care of administration before returning to Ghor. Qutbuddin extended empire by capturing various north-west regions of India. he laid foundation stone of Delhi Sultanate in 1,206 AD.

🔴Reasons for success of the Turks in India

The weakness of the various Rajput kingdoms was exposed after Mohammad Ghori's expedition. Furthermore, these Rajput rulers continued to fight amongst themselves even after Mahmud's invasions. Rajputs treated war as some kind of competition or as an opportunity to display their bravery, whereas the military tactics of Turks were much better than of the Indians. They were skilled horse riders. Indians on the other hand lacked military tactics and were also scientifically backward. Also the error of judgement made by the Rajput rulers.

After Qutbuddin's victory to the throne of Delhi, the period of the Delhi Sultanate rule started in India, which lasted more than three centuries from 1,206 AD to 1,526 AD.

 Apart from those, the Indian society was divided into several societies. Various practices such as caste system and untouchability kept the society divided.

🔴The impact of the Turkish Invasion

Due to Turkish invasions, India gained contacts with the Arabs. They came here as travellers. in Baghdad, there is book on Indian astronomy and mathematics. These invasions also brought about exchange of culture. This was clearly visible in various forms of art, architecture, food, dress, music, painting, etc. These invasions reduced the importance of caste system. These invasions also opened the door for migration of the people from the foreign land.

*-* The End*-*

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