
Notes of The Age of Revolutions: The Rise of Nationalism

 Hello students, welcome to J K Online Classes and in this post, you will get to know about a chapter of History of ICSE Board. The name of the chapter is The Age of Revolutions: The Rise of Nationalism. It is chapter of Class 8 of ICSE Board. So, without wasting time let's start the chapter.


🔴The American Revolution and French Revolution

Two remarkable revolutions of America and France during the 18th century made the democracy and nationalism strong in the modern world. Democracy is the form of government in which the leader is selected by the people while nationalism is feeling of unity and dedication for country. 

The revolutions in America inspired the people around the world to dethrone their colonial masters and made the way for Democracy. The French Revolutions, on the other hand was a social, political and religious in nature. These revolutions ended the rule of kings along with various changes taking place like it strengthens the middle class, empowered the suppressed people of the society and introduced democratic ideas. All these incidents that happened in America and Fance, motivated the people around the world in other countries also.

Americans got themself free from foreign colonies, while the French got themselves rid of bad kings. All this could happen because of feeling of Nationalism within the heart of people of these countries.

🔴American War of Independence (1775 - 1783)

The name America was based on the name of an explorer Amerigo Vespucci, who made four voyages to the land of America after its discovery by Christopher Columbus in 1492. After the discovery of route to America, people such as French, British, Spanish and Dutch came to settle there. From the 16th century onwards, these people started forming small colonies and began to settle in America. By the middle of the 18th century, there were about 13 British colonies at the eastern coast of North America. The people here were from England, who came here in seek of money, freedom and better life. There were also some colonies which were under the British Government. The American War of Independance was mainly between these 13 colonies and the British Government.

The Government of these colonies was run by elected body and were free to manage their internal administration. By internal administration here it means the process which involves law making, executing them, process of dispute resolving, levying taxes and many more, while the trade and economic matters was directly controlled by the British Government. Every colony had its Governor and Local Council. The people residing in these colonies elected their representatives of local councils which passed laws and levied taxes on people. 

🔴Turning point for Revolution

By the passage of time, these colonies developed and started considering America as their own country, which later started demanding for self-governance for their own country from British Government. British government did not paid any attention to their demand, so they decided to keep them under control of themself. And after this the colonies stood together to get their independence from Britain. This resulted in the American War of Independence fought by these 13 colonies in order to free themself from British Control. 

This war was known as American Revolution or the American War of Independance which was fought from April 19, 1775 to September 3, 1783. As outcome of this war, America got herself free from Britain.

🔴Inspiration for Revolution

The people of the colonies were mainly inspired by the European Philosophers like John Locke, Voltaire, Thomas Paine, Harrington and Milton. They wrote about individual's freedom, their rights against injustice and the right to political independence. These ideas were expressed in political developments in America and France in the late 18th century.

🔴Past of American Revolution

In 1774, at the Congress meeting in Philadelphia, the representatives from all colonies requested King George III to end the restrictions on trade and not to levy further any taxes without their consent. The king here tried to suppress the colonies which resulted in armed clashes between the American and the British soldiers. At last Americans decided to stop all trade with Britain and even decided to took up arms and resist them through if needed. These were made through the agreements known as "Continental Association".

After this George Washington was appointed as the Commander-in-chief. At the second meeting of the Congress held at Philadelphia, representatives of the congress requested the king about the same things to stop restrictions over trade and not to impose any further taxes without their consent. King considered it as an act of rebellion and declared a war. War broke out in 1774 and 11 out of 13 American colonies joined together to wage a war against the British.

🔴Weakening of British Army

The British Army could not stand in front of the united colonies. The support to the American colonies also made them stronger in comparison to the British army. France did it so in order to take revenge from Britian of its defeat in Anglo-French War. France provided weapons, arms and ammunitions to America to reduce the power of Britain. France also entered into the war in 1778, and now Britain had to fight two foes which it could not.

🔴Independence of America

America declared itself independent from Britain before having any kind of treaty with British Government by adopting the Declaration of Independance on 4th July 1776 at the Third Congress at Philadelphia. On this date the representatives of these 13 American Colonies declared their independence from Britain and formation of UNITED STATES OF AMERICA took place.

🔴End of War of Independence

The War of Independence come to end with the sign of Treaty of Paris in 1783 and Britain recognised the independence of 13 colonies of America which merged to form USA. 

🔴Adoption of Republican Constitution

In 1789, George Washington was elected as the first president of the United States of America. It adopted a republican constitution to which the Bill of Rights was added, this Bill insured every American Citizen the Right to Freedom of speech, religion and Justice.

🔴Federal System of Government

The constitution of 1789 established a federal system of government in America. According to this system the power of America was shared between the federal government (the government at the centre) and the government of the member states. These states are allowed to participate in law making process through a legislative called the Congress. Irrespective of the size of population of state, each state has its representation in the senate.

🔴French Revolution (1789 - 1799)

This period of French Revolution was a period of radical, political and social transformation. It revolutionised the social, economic and political fabric, not only of France but of all Europe and later on of all the world.

In 1789 France claimed to be most powerful country in Europe but its contribution to war in America made it poor. Moreover the division between the rich and poor was deeply widespread. One of the major bad working of system of French during that time was the levying of taxes from poor people who spent all their money mainly on food to remain alive. So, whenever taxes increased, they starved.

🔴Social division of the France

French society was built unequal, unjust social order since the medieval ages. The king was the ruler of the country. The society was mainly divided into three sections called, Estates. In 1789, Louis XVI was the king of France. He lived very luxurious life and owned several places. He also treated France as his personal property.

🔴Three Estates of France

The France under the Ancient Regime divided the society into three groups called Estates. The First Estate was the clergy, the Second Estate was the nobility. The Third Estate included mainly common people. The King was considered no part of any Estate.

The First Estate mainly consisted of church officials/clergymen like bishops and the priests of the catholic churches. The church owned a tenth of the land. They get to enjoy various privileges which was to be paid by common people. They do not have to pay taxes but can decide the amount of tax payments.

The Second Estate comprised of the nobility, which consisted of royal princes and their families. The were given special privileges. they had right to wear a sword. They were exempted from certain taxes.

The Third Estate consisted huge population with peasants, workers, merchants, traders, doctors, lawyers and so on. They were about 95 percent of the population of France.

The Third Estate was burdened with the entire burden of taxation. Taxes were imposed on everything including basic necessities like bread, salt, etc. Life was very hard, especially for the poor peasants who had to pay additional taxes to their feudal lords. Despite the enormous size of the Third Estate, they had no role in the government or decision making. These frustrations and sufferings of the Third Estate became causes of the French Revolution.

🔴Main Causes of the French Revolution

➡️The Growing power of the middle class

The French Merchants, traders, manufacturers, doctors, teachers and other professionals had acquired great wealth and became economically powerful in the 18th century. Since they were denied social equality and political rights, it caused displeasure among the Third Estate and they used their economic power to dethrone the ancient regime.

➡️Influence of New Ideas

The revolutionary writings an ideas of great political philosophers like Voltaire, Rousseau, Montesquieu and Diderot created an intellectual passion in France. They advocated the famous doctrine of 'Equality, Liberty and Fraternity'. They inspired people to rise against any kind of inequality, injustice and corruption.

The middle class of France was highly influenced by these revolutionary ideas of philosophers. By their writings they exposed the evil of French Society and the Government. They motivated people to revolt and fight for their rights.

➡️Autocratic Monarchy

The king of France was autocrat who enjoyed absolute powers. His will was considered as law. The kind of powers given to king was like he will be only answerable to god and not to the French People.

➡️Corrupt Administration

The French administrative officials were corrupt and inefficient. Their king, Louis XVI, was pleasure-loving and extravagant. He was not giving care to the sufferings of the common people. The French Administrative officials took advantages of the behaviour of their king and became corrupt as the king and queen emptied the royal treasury.

➡️French involvement in Foreign wars

The bankruptcy of France was further increased due to its involvement in useless wars against England. Its huge support to the War of Independence of America also made it loss its treasury. The rich were exempted from paying taxes while the poor were crushed under heavier taxation in order to cover up the heavy expenditure occurred during these wars.

➡️Influence of the American Revolution

The success of the American revolutionaries boosted the French people and encouraged them to rebel. The French Generals and soldiers who also fought in American Revolution, returned to France with revolutionary ideas.

🔴Effects of French Revolution

➡️Reduction of gap between poor and rich

The French revolution ended the monopoly of Clergy and Nobility and gave better chances of life to common people. Now the tax burden was equally distributed amongst the rich and poor. The big Estates of the rich were bought by the middle class. Thus, French Revolution tried to give liberty, equality and fraternity to its people.

➡️Expansion of revolutionary ideas in Europe

French revolutionary ideas of equality, liberty and fraternity soon spread to all European countries.

➡️Influence of French Writer

The influence of writings of the French writers like Voltaire, Rousseau, Montesquieu and Diderot was equally observed in other European countries like England, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Norway, Switzerland and others. When people in these countries also oppressed then they revolted against their tyrannical and feudal rulers.

*^*The End*^*

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