
ICSE Board Class 8 History Test for session 2023 - 24

 Here are few practice questions for student of Class 8 of ICSE Board of History subject from the chapter: A period of transition


History Test

Class VIII

Chapter: A period of transition

Maximum Marks: 40 marks

Total time: 1 hour

ICSE History Test A period of transition (J K Online Classes)

Section (A)

A. Fill in the blanks (5 marks)

1. 'Poverty and Un-British rule in India' is work of _____________.

2. Vasco-da-Gama discovered a new sea route to India in the year _______.

3. The opening of the __________ canal increased trade with the east.

4. Industrial revolution started in England in the year around ________.

5. Spinning jenny was invented by ________________ in 1764.

B. Write T for true and F for False (5 marks)

1. The new spirit of enquiry was supported by Roman Catholic Churches.

2. Workers lived a prosperous and luxurious life.

3. Spinning mule was invented by John Kay.

4. 1st world war and 2nd world war were the effects of imperialism.

5. The invention of steam engine played a major role in the industrial revolution.

C. Tick the correct option (5 marks)

1. When did Renaissance start in Italy.

(a) 14th century
(b) 13th century
(c) 16th century
(d) 17th century

2. Who invented Spinning Mule?

(a) James Hargreaves
(b) Samuel Crompton
(c) Edmund Cartwright
(d) James Watt

3. Which of the following is not the effect of Industrial revolution?

(a) Rise of Industrial Centers
(b) Increase in Capitalism
(c) Growth of transportation system
(d) 1st and 2nd World war

4. When did the factory system replace the domestic system?

(a) 1750
(b) 1850
(c) 1775
(d) 1875

5. As a result of the Industrial Revolution, the new system which emerged in Europe was called

(a) communism
(b) secularism
(c) capitalism
(d) none of these

D. Answer in Brief (5 marks)

1. List the secondary sources which gives us information about the modern period.

2. Which invention was a powerful factor in bringing reformation in Europe?

3. What was impact of Industrial Revolution in India?

4. Mention any two reasons behind the industrial revolution in England.

5. How growth of advance means of transport and communication became the cause for rise of Imperialism?

E. Answer in detail (4 marks each)

1. Write a note on the impact of Industrial Revolution.

2. What is the Industrial Revolution? Why did it began in England?

3. List four impact of imperialism.

4. Write a short note on causes for rise of Imperialism.

5. What were the major inventions during the Industrial Revolution?

*-* The End*-*

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