
Social Science syllabus for Class 10 for session 2022-23

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Social Science syllabus for Class 10 for session 2022 - 23
JK Online Classes

Many students face this problem of what to study during the times of examinations or when the exam dates come near. Many puzzling questions come to mind that not any topic should be left behind.

List of units along with their marks

class 10 science syllabus 2022-23
JK Online Classes

Complete syllabus of Social Science for Class 10
(2022 - 23)

India and the Contemporary World – II

Section 1: Events and Processes:

Chapter 1. The Rise of Nationalism in Europe:

  •  The French Revolution and the Idea of the Nation
  • The Making of Nationalism in Europe
  • The Age of Revolutions: 1830-1848
  • The Making of Germany and Italy
  • Visualizing the Nation
  • Nationalism and Imperialism

Chapter 2. Nationalism in India:

  • The First World War, Khilafat and Non - Cooperation
  • Differing Strands within the Movement
  • Towards Civil Disobedience
  • The Sense of Collective Belonging

Section 2: Livelihoods, Economies and Societies:

Chapter 3. The Making of a Global World:

  • The Pre-modern world
  • The Nineteenth Century (1815-1914)
  • The Inter war Economy
  • Rebuilding a World Economy: The Post-War Era


Chapter 4. The Age of Industrialization:

  • Before the Industrial Revolution
  • Hand Labour and Steam Power
  • Industrialization in the Colonies
  • Factories Come Up
  • The Peculiarities of Industrial Growth
  • Market for Goods


Section 3: Everyday Life, Culture and Politics:

Chapter 5. Print Culture and the Modern World:

  • The First Printed Books
  • Print Comes to Europe
  • The Print Revolution and its Impact
  • The Reading Mania
  • The Nineteenth Century
  • India and the World of Print
  • Religious Reform and Public Debates
  • New Forms of Publication
  • Print and Censorship

Contemporary India – II

1. Resources and Development:

  • Concept
  • Development of Resources
  • Resource Planning - Resource Planning in India, Conservation of Resources
  • Land Resources
  • Land Utilization
  • Land Use Pattern in India
  • Land Degradation and Conservation Measures
  • Soil as a Resource - Classification of Soils, Soil Erosion and Soil Conservation (excluding Box Information on State of India’s Environment)

Chapter 2. Forest and Wildlife

  • Conservation of forest and wildlife in India
  • Types and distribution of forests and wildlife resources
  • Community and Conservation


Chapter 3. Water Resources:

  • Water Scarcity and The Need for Water Conservation and Management
  • Multi-Purpose River Projects and Integrated Water Resources Management
  • Rainwater Harvesting


Chapter 4. Agriculture:

  • Types of Farming – Primitive Subsistence, Intensive Subsistence, Commercial
  • Cropping Pattern – Major Crops, Food Crops other than Grains, Non-Food Crops, Technological and Institutional Reforms
  • Food Security (excluding impact of globalization on agriculture)


Chapter 5. Minerals and Energy Resources

  • What is a mineral?
  • Mode of occurrence of Minerals - Where are these minerals found? Ferrous Minerals, Non-Ferrous Minerals, Non-Metallic Minerals, Rock Minerals
  • Conservation of Minerals
  • Energy Resources - Conventional Sources of Energy, Non-Conventional Sources of Energy
  • Conservation of Energy Resources


Chapter 6. Manufacturing Industries:

  • Importance of Manufacturing - Industrial Location (excluding Industry Market Linkage), Agro based Industry (excluding Cotton Textiles, Jute Textiles, Sugar Industry), Mineral based Industries (excluding Iron Steel Industry, Cement Industry), Industrial Pollution and Environmental Degradation, Control of Environmental Degradation


Chapter 7. Life Lines of National Economy:

  • Roadways
  • Railways
  • Pipelines
  • Waterways
  • Major Seaports
  • Airways
  • Communication
  • International Trade
  • Tourism as a Trade 

Politics / Civics for class X:
Democratic Politics – II 

Chapter 1. Power Sharing:

  • Belgium and Sri Lanka
  • Majoritarianism in Sri Lanka
  • Accommodation in Belgium
  • Why power sharing is desirable?
  • Forms of Power Sharing

Chapter 2. Federalism:

  • What is Federalism?
  • What make India a Federal Country?
  • How is Federalism practiced?
  • Decentralization in India


Chapter 4. Gender, Religion and Caste:

  • Gender and Politics - Public/Private division, Women’s political representation
  • Religion, Communalism and Politics – Communalism, Secular State (excluding image on page 46, 48, 49 of NCERT Textbook – Democratic Politics –II - reprinted edition 2021)
  • Caste and Politics - Caste inequalities, Caste in politics, Politics in caste


Chapter 6. Political Parties:

  • Why do we need Political Parties? – Meaning, Functions, Necessity
  • How many parties should we have?
  • National Parties
  • State Parties
  • Challenges to Political Parties
  • How can Parties be reformed?


Chapter 7. Outcomes of Democracy:

  • How do we assess democracy’s outcomes?
  • Accountable, responsive and legitimate government
  • Economic growth and development
  • Reduction of inequality and poverty
  • Accommodation of social diversity
  • Dignity and freedom of the citizens 

Understanding Economic Development

Chapter 1. Development:

  • What Development Promises - Different People, Different Goals
  • Income and Other Goals
  • National Development
  • How to compare different countries or states?
  • Income and other criteria
  • Public Facilities
  • Sustainability of Development


Chapter 2. Sectors of the Indian Economy:

  • Sectors of Economic Activities
  • Comparing the three sectors
  • Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Sectors in India
  • Division of sectors as organized and unorganized
  • Sectors in terms of ownership: Public and Private Sectors


Chapter 3. Money and Credit:

  • Money as a medium of exchange
  • Modern forms of Money
  • Loan activities of Banks
  • Two different Credit situations
  • Terms of Credit
  • Formal Sector Credit in India
  • Self Help Groups for the Poor


Chapter 4. Globalization and the Indian Economy:

  • Production across countries
  • Interlinking production across countries
  • Foreign Trade and integration of markets
  • What is Globalization?
  • Factors that have enabled Globalization
  • World Trade Organization
  • Impact of Globalization in India
  • The Struggle for a fair Globalization

PDF of syllabus of social science of class 10 of session 2022 - 23


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