
Which is heavier 100 kg Iron Bar or 100 kg Cotton??


It is a natural phenomenon by virtue of which one object attracts another object with a force. If any object is thrown upward then it will come back to earth because of the gravitational pull of the earth, even once when Newton was sitting under an apple tree and the apple fell up on his head then he realized of the pull of one object to another. Even the moon goes around the earth which is because of the centripetal force of the earth.

There are various instances when we get to see the application of Gravitation. Any falling object works under the gravitational pull of the earth.

Here we are going to discuss two questions numbered as:
You have a bag of cotton and an iron bar, each indicating a mass of 100 kg when measured on a weighing machine. In reality, one is heavier then other. Can you say which one is heavier and why?
If the moon attracts the earth, why does the earth not move towards the moon?

Question #1

You have a bag of cotton and an iron bar, each indicating a mass of 100 kg when measured on a weighing machine. In reality, one is heavier then other. Can you say which one is heavier and why?

As we all know and feel that cotton is lighter than iron or iron is heavier than cotton. In the question it is mentioned that "In reality, one is heavier than other", it is saying about the fact that iron is heavier than cotton. But if we take cotton and iron of the same weight means
Let the weight of Iron Bar = 1 kg
& Let the weight of bag containing cotton = 1 kg
Then in this case the weight of both the objects becomes the same.

Now understand it like this:

  • Suppose you have a box such like a box of marker ink as shown in image and every-one have seen it.

    A sample image of box for iron and cotton
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  • Now you have to consider that a iron bar is of the same shape and size of box of marker and it's weight is 1 kg and it is kept on left side of weighing machine or balance or (तराज़ू  in Hindi) as shown in image.

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  • Now you have to recall the concept of weight and how to measure the weight of any object, because
    Now we will consider the the box of marker to filled with cotton weighing 100 g (0.1 kg) and neglecting the weight of box and that cotton is kept on right side of the balancing machine.

    which one is heavier iron bar or cotton? answer
    JK Online Classes

  • Now the recalling the concept of weight, the side on which heavy object is kept will go down and the side with lighter object will go up.
    And to make them balance we have to put 10 such boxes of cotton together. By putting all the 10 boxes together it's new weight will become 1000 g or 1 kg. And the balancing machine will come to balance position.

    Which one is heavier iron bar or cotton
    JK Online Classes

  • At the left side of the balance, there was only one piece of iron of shape and size of marker ink box while on the right side of the balance we required 10 boxes of cotton to make them balance both the sides.
  • Therefore, since the weight of both the iron bar and the bag of cotton of 100 kg will be will be equal in this question. That is neither of them will be heavier or lighter in comparison to each other, both will be equal.
    Though the quantity and shape and size of cotton bag will be more than iron as iron bar will be of small shape and size. The iron bar will also be rigid and the cotton bag might be rigid too or may be remain fluffy.

Watch the Video Solution Here:

Question #2

If the moon attracts the earth, why does the earth not move towards the moon?

We know that in our solar system all the planets revolve around the sun. No matter how many days, months, years or decades are being taken by these planets, the important to notice here is that all the planets are revolving around the sun, it is because of presence of force of attraction between sun and the planets. And all the objects in the universe attract each other.
This force of attraction between objects is called the gravitational force.

This measurement of these gravitational force depends upon the masses of the objects and the distance.

The force is directly proportional to the product of the masses of the object and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

Though the gravitational force acting on the earth by the moon is strong enough to keep the earth near to its orbit not completely get stuck to it instead. There-fore moon attracts the earth but the earth do not move towards the moon.

*-* The End*-*

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