
ELECTRICITY - Physics practise set for Term - II

 Chapter - Electricity

11. By what name is the physical quantity coulomb/second called?

Ans : Ampere

12. What is the flow of charge called?

Ans: The flow of charge is called "current".

13. What actually travels through the wires when you switch on a light?

Ans: Electrons.

14. (a) In which direction does conventional current flow around a circuit?

      (b) in which direction do electrons flow?

Ans: (a) Conventional current flow around a circuit from positive terminal to negative terminal.
         (b) Electrons flow from negative terminal to positive terminal.

15. Which of the two is connected in series: ammeter or voltmeter?

Ans: Ammeter

16. If 20 C of charge pass a point in a circuit in 1s, what current is flowing?

Ans: Charge = 20 C, Time = 1s
         Current = Charge/time
                       = 20/1
                       = 20 ampere

17. A current of 4 A flows around a circuit for 10 s. How much charge flows  past a point in the circuit in this time?

Ans: Current , I = 4 A
         Time , t = 10 s
          Charge = Current x time
                       = 4 x 10
                       = 40 C - Ans

18. Fill in the blanks with suitable words:

(a) A current is a flow of .............. . For this to happen there must be a ............ circuit.

(b) Current is measured in ............. using an ............. placed in .............. in a circuit.

Ans: (a) charge, closed
         (b) ampere, ammeter, series

19. Name a device which helps to maintain potential difference across a conductor.

Ans: Cell or battery.

20. What is an ammeter? How is it connected in a circuit? Draw a diagram to illustrate your answer.

Ans: Ammeter is a device used to measure electric current across the circuit and it is connected in series in connection.

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